Writer guidelines

Before sending a paper draft, please use the following checklist to ensure that the review process goes smoothly. Once the review process has been passed, every paper is published individually in our archive in PDF format and later in our periodical collection eBooks. Both archive and collection eBooks are published for free on this homepage. The periodical collection eBooks comprise seven to eight articles or essays and are published with an ISBN number. Writings in archive and collection books are both using a CC-BY 4.0 creative commons license to permit writers' continuous use of the materials.

Writer's checklist

  • Texts submitted to us must not have been published elsewhere. The only exception is English translations of articles with high scientific value. Leave us a message if you are interested in publishing the English version of your article or essay.
  • Authors are solely responsible for any legal obligations related to their writings. The Holistic Science Organisation only offers a platform for publishing and gathering scientific papers.
  • Writings are submitted as Microsoft Word or Open Office documents. Only natural science writings and other LaTeX-based writings are submitted as PDF documents.
  • The required font is Times New Roman. The font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing and standard MS Word settings.
  • Footnote citations are preferred (Angel 2014, 97). Alternatively, endnote citations are possible. Footnotes can also be used for adding explanations and details.
  • Consult the Merriam-Webster dictionary for spelling.
  • Use only the Latin alphabet and transliterate texts that are in any other alphabet.
  • If possible, use the English form of place names.
  • In the references, provide English translations for all titles of books, articles, etc. that are not in English.
  • Preferably, provide an abstract at the beginning of your paper.
  • There is no page limit. If a writing exceeds 100 pages, we offer an eBook deal.


  • Once prepared, you can send your paper draft to Holisticscienceeditorial[at]gmail.com
  • You can anonymize your submitted paper draft for the peer-review process, but we will check the anonymity of each paper before starting the process.
  • For information on our peer-review process, please visit the page on Referee guidelines.